Karma Yoga
According to Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, Karma yoga is the spiritual practice of "selfless action performed for the benefit of others". Karma yoga is a path to reach moksha (spiritual liberation) through ones work. It is taking inspired action without being attached to the outcome or a benefit/reward. Within Hinduism, this concept is known as seva, meaning selfless service to others as a means of spiritual practice. When seva is performed directly from the heart this practice can have a profound impact on the soul's development. It can help lift personal and ancestral karmic burdens and bring fulfillment, freedom, and even complete union with the Self (the purpose of yoga).
Karma Yoga is closely linked to Bhakti Yoga, for without love and devotion, it would be impossible to serve others selflessly.
Change your Karma with SERVICE
Service does not always imply hard work and effort, service can be simply prayers, special intentions, remembrances, and gratitude.
Sangha is often translated as “spiritual family,” “spiritual community,” or “good company.” Historically, sangha is most commonly used to refer to the order of Buddhist monks and nuns. The Buddhist sangha began with the ordination of the first monks, the “group of five” to whom the Buddha delivered his first sermon, the Four Noble Truths (the four principles of suffering).
Today Sangha is a group of people trying to live by certain shared principles, striving to become the best version of themselves, and supporting each other in that effort.
It’s not always easy to stay on the spiritual path. We are far more likely to succeed on this often challenging path when we surround ourselves with like-minded others. Sangha isn’t only a means of receiving support, it also offers us the opportunity to lend support to others.
When we decide to offer seva in a spiritual community not only are we taken further along the path of enlightenment, you very often find your kindred spirits, the people and relationships that make our life filled with laughter, love, and joyfulness on this journey.
“To practice right mindfulness we need the right environment, and that environment is our sangha. When you allow yourself to be in a sangha the way a drop of water allows itself to be in a river, the energy of the sangha can penetrate into you, and transformation and healing will become possible.”
We offer several Karma Yoga opportunities here at Muktinath. Volunteers must be prepared to commit to a one month term to volunteer. We suggest you choose the duration of one month per task to allow the experience to stay fresh and fun. You are welcome to continue your service each month provided you check in with yourself that your service is coming from the heart, not a sense of obligation or ego, as this would detract from your karmic benefit.
“When you make service your sole purpose in life, it eliminates fear, focuses your mind and gives you meaning.”
— Sri Sri Ravi Shankar