Angelic Crystal Grid Healing Videos
A collection of FREE videos for the peaceful healing the Body, Mind, & Spirit
A Healing offering for our Muktinath Community and Beyond…
Just lie back with the intention of placing your head at the grid and allowing the healing waves to wash through you.
These videos are perfect to use as you are drifting off to sleep or play them quietly as you are moving through your day.
This series of video recordings were created by practitioners and students of Muktinath Holistic Center for much needed healing during the Covid pandemic. Our intention was to bring comfort, healing, and support to anyone experiencing the covid-19 virus and to also serve those impacted by loss and fear.
While these were created in response to the pandemic we specifically chose to be broad in the design of these videos to allow them to serve the community indefinitely. These videos are specific to the different systems of the body affected by Covid and other illnesses.
Simply choose the video that matches your needs. Utilize them as frequently as you like and please feel free to share with your loved ones!
The angelic healing crystal grid calls on the Archangels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Sandalphon, Metatron, and Ariel for healing.
In each of these videos a team of healers are offering you healing with Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Violet Flame, Shamanic Healing, Ignite your Spirit Therapy, and more!
Thanks to our healers Sierra North, Cheryl Markey, Lori Steeves, Jennifer Contuzzi, Deelynn Trujillo, Grandmother Nancy Andry, and Jester & Heyoka.
The peaceful music featured in each video is Healing Sounds by Maitreya. Thanks to Maitreya for so generously allowing us to share his sacred music and to Cheryl Markey for creating this amazing healing grid for all.
**Please do not play these videos while driving, operating machinery, or any other dangerous activity.
A collection of FREE videos for the peaceful healing the Body, Mind, & Spirit
This video offers healing support for fever, chills, and body ache associated with Covid, cold, flu, or virus. Also great to try for muscle fatigue and discomfort due to overexertion and menopause.
This video offers healing support for the head and with the intention of releasing headache, pain, fogginess, lack of clarity, and sinus pain or pressure.
This video offers healing support for healing and clarity in each of the senses (smell, taste, hearing, sight, and touch) and through the full use of the senses reclaiming our joy. You can also use it with the intention to increase or decrease sensitivity to your environment.
This video offers healing support for lifting depression and hopelessness, a core blockage to the health of the body and a joyful life.
This video offers healing support for the digestive system, comforting any irritation to the digestive tract. Perfect for any stomach upset, pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, food allergy or intolerance, ibs and gastro illness.
This video offers healing support for the chest region. Major focus is on the lungs and with the intention of bringing ease and clarity to the breath. Also gentle heart healing may be found in this video.
This video offers healing support for lifting of all types of fear, but with a focus on fears of illness, solitude, and loss. This video is a MUST for anyone with the Covid virus. Play this one everyday for a minimum of 2 weeks regardless of symptoms. You may also consider using this video as a precaution if you are in any high risk or exposure situation.
Video Usage Disclaimer
**Please do not play these videos while driving, operating machinery, or any other dangerous activity.