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The wisdom of the soul is right here.

Elemental Healing

Element Balancing Healing is a form of shamanic healing derived from the shamanic traditions of Nepal. It honors the energy of the Nagas, spiritually enlightened serpent-like beings that hold the energy of the earth mother and each of the sacred elements of air, fire, water, earth, and ether. These Nagas maintain the balance of the Earth and are keeper of great wisdom. They can be powerful allies in healing and balancing the human body, mind, and spirit. The Nagas can be found in both the Hindu and Buddhist traditions.

These healings are suitable for any person as many of us have imbalances routinely in our elemental composition. You can look to the Ayurveda healing system and your own astrological chart for more info about element imbalances. These sessions are ideal for anyone struggling, stuck, or feeling lost, helpless with their current life experience. Sessions are about 45 min long. Dress comfortably. Bring water. Please no consumption of alcohol the night before or after. Please bring a pen and notebook to write down your experience after the session.

Why is the scheduling different for this healing modality?

Elemental healing requires the preparation of a special alter and ceremonial elements so these sessions are typically only offered as a special event and on the most auspicious of days for this work.

If you are feeling called to this practice please message us below to let us know of your interest and to reserve you a session on our next available date.

Your Practitioner

Sierra North

Sierra is the only provider of this unique healing experience at Muktinath. She has been trained and given permission to perform this healing by Nath Bhola Banstola, a Jhankri Shaman from Nepal with an extended family lineage history and practice in Shamanism.
